Finding fixed points of functions by stochastic approximation method


  • Tatiana P. Krasulina


In this paper, a stochastic approximation method is used to find a fixed point of a function observed with an additive error. The result is obtained under the assumptions of Gladyshev’s theorem on root finding problem. It is also assumed that the function is either a pseudo-contraction, or relaxed contraction, or hemi-contraction, or quasi-contraction, or generalized contraction. By using techniques based on super-martingales, it is shown that a modified Robbins-Monro process converges to the fixed point with probability one. The established theorem is less restrictive than a prior result by S. V. Komarov since this theorem imposes no special requirements to the studied function. Refs 4.


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How to Cite

Krasulina, T. P. (2020). Finding fixed points of functions by stochastic approximation method. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 4(1), 22–24. Retrieved from


