On some features of reflection of radiation of the source rotating about its axis by the spherical screen


  • Andrey V. Dementyev St.Petersburg State University, Universitetskiy pr., 28, Petrodvorets, 198504, Russian Federation;


The paper deals with the model system representing the spherical reflective screen, over the surface of which periodically runs the beam pattern (BP) of a compact source rotating about its axis. Taken BP is as follows: irradiation of the screen occurs by pulses infinitely narrow in time. Parameters of the pulses which are being reflected in some directions are calculated within the considered model. It is concluded that properties of the reflected pulses - their profile and observed time of arrival - substantially depend on the correlation between the speed of light and the speed of the BP passing over the companion surface. The received results can be applied to the binary systems where one of the components is the neutron star acting as a pulsar, to the BP of which the second component of the system periodically gets.


reflection of radiation, binary systems, pulsars


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How to Cite

Dementyev, A. V. (2014). On some features of reflection of radiation of the source rotating about its axis by the spherical screen. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 1(3), 478–489. Retrieved from https://math-mech-astr-journal.spbu.ru/article/view/11076


