Fluctuations of the spatial galaxy distribution in the COSMOS deep survey at gigaparsec scales


  • Yurij V. Baryshev St.Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7-9, St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation;
  • Stanislav I. Shirokov St.Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7-9, St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation;
  • Daniil I. Tekhanovich St.Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7-9, St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation;


We analyse the radial galaxy distribution of the deep survey COSMOS. The value of “cosmic variance” is estimated by using large red shift bins (Δz =0.1 ÷ 0.3) that contain a suffi ciently large number of galaxies for the Poisson noise(~ 1/N 1 / 2)to be small(σP ~ 0.01).The accuracy of photometric red shifts (δz ~ 0.012(1+z))allows the study of spatial in homogeneities with sizes larger than the bin size Δz ≥ 0.1, i.e.,ΔR ≥ 300 Mpc/h. The LCDM model predicts for the COSMOS survey the value of cosmic variance of dark matter σ(z)dm =0.039 forz =1.7 and Δz =0.2 (Moster etal.,Astrophys.J.,731,113(2011)). Our analysis of the COSMOS survey shows that at z =1.7, with redshift bins Δz =0.2, the amplitude of the galaxy number fluctuations is σ(z)obs =0.37, i.e., an order of magnitude larger than LCDM prediction for non-baryonic dark matter. In order to reconcile the observed amplitude with the LCDM model, the biasfactor shouldbe b ≈ 10.Observed radial sizes of detected in homogeneities extend to1500Mpc, while the predicted LCDM correlation function ξdm =0 on a scale of r = 174 Mpc, independent of bias. Our results are consistent with recent observations of the COSMOS field by ALHAMBRA, as well as X-ray and sub-millimetresurveys (SPT,ALMA).


cosmology, large scale structure of the Universe, deep galaxy surveys, COSMOS, ALHAMBRA, SPT, ALMA


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How to Cite

Baryshev, Y. V., Shirokov, S. I., & Tekhanovich, D. I. (2014). Fluctuations of the spatial galaxy distribution in the COSMOS deep survey at gigaparsec scales. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 1(4), 659–669. Retrieved from https://math-mech-astr-journal.spbu.ru/article/view/11100


