Determination of the transition curve between flow modes during filtering an acid through a chemically active porous medium.


  • Rinat A. Plavnik Oil and gas centre of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 3, Dolgoprudnenskoe shosse, Moscow, 127204, Russian Federation
  • Ivan N. Zavialov Oil and gas centre of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 3, Dolgoprudnenskoe shosse, Moscow, 127204, Russian Federation
  • Andrey V. Konyukhov Joint Institute of High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 13, ul. Izhorskaya, Moscow, 125412, Russian Federation
  • Denis S. Vetoshkin Oil and gas centre of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 3, Dolgoprudnenskoe shosse, Moscow, 127204, Russian Federation



It is known that during the filtration flow, if the displacing liquid can chemically react with the skeleton while emitting a gas phase, then this flow mode may be unstable. During the filtration process, pressure fluctuations will be observed, and the displacing fluid will move in waves called “acid waves”. Our research suggests a simple theoretical model that gives a qualitative explanation of the causes of this phenomenon. We conducted laboratory simulations and detected the boundary of the appearance of “acid waves”, depending on the concentration of the chemically active component. At the same time the theoretical model can also predict the appearance of “acid waves” in the laboratory experiment, which will allow scaling the studied phenomenon in the future.


self-oscillating mode, acid treatment of an oil reservoir, porous medium


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How to Cite

Plavnik, R. A., Zavialov, I. N., Konyukhov, A. V., & Vetoshkin, D. S. (2021). Determination of the transition curve between flow modes during filtering an acid through a chemically active porous medium. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 8(2), 349–358.


