Boundary conditions for fluid-dynamic parameters of a single-component gas flow with vibrational deactivation on a solid wall


  • Liia A. Shakurova St Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Elena V. Kustova St Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



Boundary conditions for fluid-dynamic parameters of a strongly non-equilibrium singlecomponent rarefied gas flow in the slip regime are obtained using kinetic-theory methods. The gas flow is described in the frame of the state-to-state approach assuming vibrational energy exchange as the slow relaxation process. The set of governing equations including conservation equations coupled with additional relaxation equations for vibrational state populations is presented. The gas-solid surface interaction is considered on the basis of the specular-diffusive model, and possible vibrational deactivation/excitation processes on the wall are taken into account. The obtained boundary conditions depend on the accommodation and deactivation coefficients along with the transport coefficients such as the multi-component vibrational energy diffusion and thermal diffusion coefficients; the thermal conductivity; the bulk and shear viscosity coefficients and the relaxation pressure. The dependence of boundary conditions on the normal mean stress has been obtained for the first time. In the particular case of the gas without internal degrees of freedom, the slip velocity and the temperature jump can be reduced to the well-known in the literature expressions. Implementation of the state-specific boundary conditions should not cause additional computational costs in numerical simulations of viscous flows in the state-to-state approach, since the slip/jump equations depend on the transport coefficients which have to be evaluated regardless of the boundary conditions used in the code.


non-equilibrium flow, state-to-state approach, boundary conditions, concentration jump, slip velocity, temperature jump


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How to Cite

Shakurova, L. A., & Kustova, E. V. (2022). Boundary conditions for fluid-dynamic parameters of a single-component gas flow with vibrational deactivation on a solid wall. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 9(2), 366–377.


