An overview of works of the scientific school created by V. A. Yakubovich on the issues of artificial intelligence and robotics


  • Аleksei S. Matveev St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Аlexander L. Fradkov St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Аlexander I. Shepeljavyi St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article presents an overview of the works of the scientific school of V. A. Yakubovich in the field of artificial intelligence, machine learning, adaptive systems, and robotics. The method of recurrent objective inequalities is considered in detail. The significance of the presented results for the further development of cybernetics and artificial intelligence is discussed. Special attention is given to seminal works of V. A. Yakubovich on machine learning and to the development of the concept of finitely converging algorithms for solving recurrent objective inequalities; some typical results on their convergence are discussed in detail for the sake of illustration. The paper distinctly highlights the contribution of the school to the formation and development of the modern theories of adaptive control and mathematical robotics, particularly the theory of adaptive robots. A special section is concerned with adaptive sub-optimal control.


artificial intelligence, machine learning, adaptive systems, robotics, Department of Theoretical Cybernetics, St. Petersburg State University, history of science


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2. Fradkov A. L., Shepeljavyi A. I. The History Story of Cybernetics and Arti cial Intelligence. A View From Saint Petersburg. Cybernetics and Physics 11 (4), 253-263 (2022).

3. Gusev S. V., Bondarko V. A. Notes on Yakubovich's method of recursive objective inequalities and its application in adaptive control and robotics. IFAC Congress on Automatic Control. Berlin, July, 12-17 (2020).

4. Fradkov A. L. Early History of Machine Learning. IFAC Congress on Automatic Control. Berlin, July,12-17 (2020).

5. Annaswamy A. M., Fradkov A. L. A Historical Perspective of Adaptive Control and Learning. Annual Reviews in Control 52, 18-41 (2021).

6. Fradkov A. L., Polyak B. T. Adaptive and Robust Control in the USSR. IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 1373-1378 (2020).

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42. Savkin A. V., Cheng T. M., Xi Z., Javed F., Matveev A. S., Hguyen H. Decentralized Coverage Control Problems for Mobile Robotic Sensor and Actuator Networks. IEEE Press and John Wiley and Sons, New Yor, Hoboken (2015).

43. Matveev A. S., Savkin A. V., Hoy M. C., Wang C. Safe Robot Navigation among Moving and Steady Obstacles. Elsevier and Butterworth Heinemann. Oxford (2016).

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47. Lewis F., Vrabie D. Reinforcement learning and adaptive dynamic programming for feedback control. IEEE Circ. Syst. Magazine 9 (3), 32-50 (2009).

48. Lewis F., Vrabie D., Vamvoudakis K. G. Reinforcement Learning and Feedback Control: Using Natural Decision Methods to Design Optimal Adaptive Controllers. IEEE Circ. Syst. Magazine 32 (6), 30 (2012).

49. Sutton R. S., Barto A. G., Williams R. J. Reinforcement learning is direct adaptive optimal control. IEEE Control Systems Magazine 12 (2), 19-22 (1992).

50. Yang X., Liu D., Wang D. Reinforcement learning for adaptive optimal control of unknown continuous-time nonlinear systems with input constraints. International Journal of Control 87 (3), 553- 566 (2014).

51. Recht B. A Tour of Reinforcement Learning: The View from Continuous Control. Annu. Rev. Control Robot. Auton. Syst. 2, 253-279 (2019).

52. Bian B. T., Jiang Z.-P. Value iteration, adaptive dynamic programming, and optimal control of nonlinear systems. IEEE 55th Conf. on Decision and Control. IEEE Trans. Neur. Net and Learning Systems (2021).

53. Lipkovich M. Yakubovich's method of recursive objective inequalities in machine learning. IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (12), 138-143 (2022).


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3. Gusev S.V., Bondarko V.A. Notes on Yakubovich’s method of recursive objective inequalities and its application in adaptive control and robotics. IFAC Congress on Automatic Control. Berlin, July, 12-17 (2020).

4. Fradkov A. L. Early History of Machine Learning. IFAC Congress on Automatic Control. Berlin, July,12-17 (2020).

5. Annaswamy A.M., Fradkov A. L. A Historical Perspective of Adaptive Control and Learning. Annual Reviews in Control 52, 18-41 (2021).

6. Fradkov A. L., Polyak B. T. Adaptive and Robust Control in the USSR. IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 1373-1378 (2020).

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42. Savkin A.V., Cheng T.M., Xi Z., Javed F., Matveev A. S., Hguyen H. Decentralized Coverage Control Problems for Mobile Robotic Sensor and Actuator Networks. IEEE Press and John Wiley and Sons, New York, Hoboken (2015).

43. Matveev A. S., Savkin A.V., Hoy M.C., Wang C. Safe Robot Navigation among Moving and Steady Obstacles. Elsevier and Butterworth Heinemann. Oxford (2016).

44. Hoy M., Matveev A. S., Savkin A.V. Algorithms for collision-free navigation of mobile robots in complex cluttered environments: A surve Robotica 33 (3), 463-497 (2015)

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47. Lewis F., Vrabie D. Reinforcement learning and adaptive dynamic programming for feedback control. IEEE Circ. Syst. Magazine 9 (3), 32-50 (2009).

48. Lewis F., Vrabie D., Vamvoudakis K.G. Reinforcement Learning and Feedback Control: Using Natural Decision Methods to Design Optimal Adaptive Controllers. IEEE Circ. Syst. Magazine 32 (6), 30 (2012).

49. Sutton R. S., Barto A.G., Williams R. J. Reinforcement learning is direct adaptive optimal control. IEEE Control Systems Magazine 12 (2), 9-22 (1992).

50. Yang X., Liu D., Wang D. Reinforcement learning for adaptive optimal control of unknown continuous-time nonlinear systems with input constraints. International Journal of Control 87 (3), 553-566 (2014).

51. Recht B. A Tour of Reinforcement Learning: The View from Continuous Control. Annu. Rev. Control Robot. Auton. Syst. 2, 253-279 (2019).

52. Bian B.T., Jiang Z.-P. Value iteration, adaptive dynamic programming, and optimal control of nonlinear systems. IEEE 55th Conf. on Decision and Control. IEEE Trans. Neur. Net and Learning Systems (2021).

53. Lipkovich M. Yakubovich’s method of recursive objective inequalities in machine learning. IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (12), 138-143, 2022.



How to Cite

Matveev А. S., Fradkov А. L., & Shepeljavyi А. I. (2023). An overview of works of the scientific school created by V. A. Yakubovich on the issues of artificial intelligence and robotics. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 10(4), 665–685.



To the 300th anniversary of SPSU