On the regions containing all the zeros of polynomials and related analytic functions


  • Nisar Ahmad Rather University of Kashmir, Srinagar, 190006, India
  • Ishfaq Dar University of Kashmir, Srinagar, 190006, India
  • Aaqib Iqbal University of Kashmir, Srinagar, 190006, India




In this paper, by using standard techniques we shall obtain results with relaxed hypothesis which give zero bounds for the larger class of polynomials. Our results not only generalizes several well-known results but also provide better information about the location of zeros. We also obtain a similar result for analytic functions. In addition to this, we show by examples that our result gives better information on the zero bounds of polynomials than some known results.


polynomials, zeros, complex domain


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1. Cauchy A.L. Exercises de math´ematique. Oeuvres 9, 122 (1829).

2. Marden M. Geometry of Polynomials. In: Math. Surveys, no. 3. Amer. Math. Soc. Providence, RI (1966).

3. Milovanovi´c G.V., Mitrinovi´c D.S., Rassias Th.M. Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros. World Scientific Publications (1994).

4. Joyal A., Labelle G., Rahman Q.I. On the Location of Zeros of Polynomials. Canadian Math. Bull. 10, 53–63 (1967). https://doi.org/10.4153/CMB-1967-006-3

5. Aziz A., Zargar B.A. Some Extensions of Enestrom-Kakeya Theorem. Glasnick Matematicki 31, 239–244 (1996).

6. Rahman Q. I., Schmeisser G. Analytic theory of Polynomials. Clarendon Press Oxford, 243–270 (2002).

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How to Cite

Rather, N. A., Dar, I., & Iqbal, A. (2021). On the regions containing all the zeros of polynomials and related analytic functions. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 8(2), 331–337. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu01.2021.212


