Multiplicative property of series used in the Nevanlinna-Pick problem


  • Аlexander V. Zheleznyak St Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI, 5, ul. Professora Popova, St Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation



n the paper we obtained substantially new sufficient condition for negativity of coefficients of power series inverse to series with positive ones. It has been proved that element-wise product of power series retains this property. In particular, it gives rise to generalization of the classical Hardy theorem about power series. These results are generalized for cases of series with multiple variables. Such results are useful in Nevanlinna-Pick theory. For example, if function k(x, y) can be represented as power series ..., and reciprocal function 1/k(x, y) can be represented as power series ... such
that b_n < 0, n > 0, then k(x, y) is a reproducing kernel function for some Hilbert space
of analytic functions in the unit disc D with Nevanlinna-Pick property. The reproducing
kernel 1/(1 − xy) of the classical Hardy space H^2(D) is a prime example for our theorems.


power series, Nevanlinna-Pick kernels, logarithmical convexity


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2. Hardy G.H. Divergent Series. Oxford, Clarendon Press (1949).

3. Полиа З. Г., Сегё Г. Задачи и теоремы из анализа, пер. с нем. Москва, Наука (1978).


1. Agler J., McCarthy John E. Pick interpolation and Hilbert function spaces. In: Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 44. Providence, American Mathematician Society (2002).

2. Hardy G.H. Divergent Series. Oxford, Clarendon Press (1949).

3. Polya Z.G., Szego G. Aufgaben und Lehrsatze aus der Analysis. Berlin, Springer-Verlag (1964). [Rus. ed.: P´olya Z.G., Szeg¨o G. Zadachi i teoremy iz analiza. Moscow, Nauka Publ. (1978)].



How to Cite

Zheleznyak А. V. . (2022). Multiplicative property of series used in the Nevanlinna-Pick problem. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 9(1), 37–45.


