Ramanujan denesting formulae for cubic radicals


  • Мikhail А. Antipov National Research University Higher School of Economics; St. Petersburg State University
  • Кonstantin I. Pimenov St. Petersburg State University


This paper contains an explanation of Ramanujan-type formulas with cubic radicals of cubic
irrationalities in the situation when these radicals are contained in a pure cubic extension.
We give a complete description of formulas of such type, answering the Zippel’s question. It turns out that Ramanujan-type formulas are in some sense unique in this situation. In particular, there must be no more than three summands in the right-hand side and the norm of the irrationality in question must be a cube. In this situation we associate with cubic irrationalities a cyclic cubic polinomial, which is reducible if and only if one can simplify the corresponding cubic radical. This correspondence is inverse to the so-called
Ramanujan correspondence defined in the preceding papers, where one associates a pure cubic extension to some cyclic polinomial.


Ramanujan formulas, simplification of radical, Ramanujan correspondence


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How to Cite

Antipov М. А., & Pimenov К. I. (2020). Ramanujan denesting formulae for cubic radicals. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 7(2), 187–196. Retrieved from https://math-mech-astr-journal.spbu.ru/article/view/8368



On the anniversary of A. I. Generalov