On problems of the theory of stability of weakly hyperbolic invariant sets


  • Nikita A. Begun St. Petersburg State University




This paper represents a brief survey of the theory of stability of weakly hyperbolic invariant sets. In a series of papers published by the author together with V. A. Pliss and G. R. Sell, it was proved that a weakly hyperbolic invariant set is stable even in the absence of the Lipschitz condition. However, the question of uniqueness of leafs of a weakly hyperbolic invariant set of a perturbed system remains open. The paper shows the relationship of this problem with the so-called plaque expansivity conjecture in the theory of dynamical systems.


stability, weak hyperbolicity, leaf set, perturbed system, singularity, plaque espansivity conjecture


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How to Cite

Begun, N. A. (2020). On problems of the theory of stability of weakly hyperbolic invariant sets. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 7(2), 289–296. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu01.2020.211



In memoriam of V. A. Pliss