Second order monotone difference schemes with approximation on non-uniform grids for two-dimensional quasilinear parabolic convection-diffusion equations


  • Le Minh Hieu University of Economics, The University of Danang
  • Dang Ngoc Hoang Thanh
  • V.B. Surya Prasath



The present communication is devoted to the construction of monotone difference schemes of the second order of local approximation on non-uniform grids in space for 2D quasilinear parabolic convection-diffusion equation. With the help of difference maximum principle, two-sided estimates of the difference solution are established and an important a priori estimate in a uniform norm C is proved. It is interesting to note that the maximal and minimal values of the difference solution do not depend on the diffusion and convection


non-uniform grid, maximum principle, regularization principle, monotone difference scheme, convection-diffusion equation


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How to Cite

Hieu, L. M., Thanh, D. N. H., & Prasath, V. S. (2020). Second order monotone difference schemes with approximation on non-uniform grids for two-dimensional quasilinear parabolic convection-diffusion equations. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 7(2), 343–355.


