The features of solving the problem of triple shear in endochronic theory of inelasticity taking account large deformations


  • Tatiana A. Zabanikova
  • Sergey P. Pomytkin


The problem of rigid triple shear is solved in the framework of the endochronic theory of inelasticity taking into account the finite deformations. The numerical realization of the algorithm for finding of orthogonal rotation tensor and vortex tensor is proposed. On their basis the strain tensor is formed. Simultaneously, the strain tensor is calculated by direct numerical method. The corresponding components of deformation obtained by both methods are compared and analyzed.


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How to Cite

Zabanikova, T. A. ., & Pomytkin, S. P. . (2020). The features of solving the problem of triple shear in endochronic theory of inelasticity taking account large deformations. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 6(2), 329–337. Retrieved from


