On the density of pre-orbits under linear toral endomorphisms


  • Saeed Azimi
  • Khosro Tajbakhsh




It is well known for non-injective endomorphisms that if for every point the set of preimages is dense in the manifold then the endomorphism is transitive (i. e. there exists a point that its orbit is dense in the manifold). But it has not yet been completely investigated that if the pre-orbit of points are dense under Anosov endomorphisms or what are the necessary conditions that make the pre-orbits of each point dense. By making a great use of the integral lattice properties, we construct our proof on the pre-image sets of points under the iterations of the linear dynamical system. We introduce a class of hyperbolic linear endomorphism that is called absolutely hyperbolic and show that if A : Tm → Tm is an absolutely hyperbolic linear endomorphism of degree more than 1 then the pre-orbit of each point is dense in Tm.


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1. Lizana C., Pinheiro V., Varandas P., “Contribution to the Ergodic Theory of Robustly Transitive Maps”, Disc. & Cont. Dynam. Sys. 35 (1), 353–365 (2015). https://doi.org/10.3934/dcds.2015.35.353

2. Franks J., “Anosov Diffeomorphisms”, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 1–26 July 1968, Berkeley, California, 61–93 (Vol. 14. Global Analysis, AMS, Providence, R. I., 1970).

3. Aoki N., Hiraide K., Topological Theory of Dynamical Systems (1994, vol. 52 of North Holland Mathematical library).

4. Przytycki F., “Anosov Endomorphisms”, Studia Mathematica, 249–285 (1976).

5. Anderson M., Correa J., “Transitivity of Codimension One Conservative Skew-products Endomorphisms” (2017). arXiv:1612.09337v2 [math.DS]

6. Shub M., Global Stability of Dynamical Systems (Springer-Verlag, 1987).

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8. Hilbert D., Cohn-Vossen S., Geometry and the Imagination (2nd ed., AMS Chelsey Publishing, 1999).

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How to Cite

Azimi, S., & Tajbakhsh, K. (2020). On the density of pre-orbits under linear toral endomorphisms. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 7(3), 369–376. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu01.2020.301


