Semi-inverse method for the solution of the threedimensional problem of hypersonic flow past a thin wing


  • Vsevolod I. Bogatko St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7-9, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation;
  • Harry A. Colton National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines), V.O., 21-ya liniya, 2, St. Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation;
  • Elena A. Potekhina St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7-9, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation;


The work is devoted to the further study of spatial stationary problem of the flow past a thin wing moving at high supersonic speed. The head shock wave is attached to the wing leading edge at least at one point. In previous works of authors, the solution of the specified task for first-order corrections was reduced to the solution of integro-differential system of equations for determining two arbitrary functions and form of the shock front within the method of thin shock layer. Some particular solutions of this system are discussed in present paper. The semi-inverse method was used for solution of this system herewith a form of one of the arbitrary functions was given instead of a wing surface form. The particular form of the streamlined wing was determined in the construction solution process. The formulas to determine the distance between a shock wave and a surface of a wing and surface shape streamlined body were found. Also a formula for the pressure distribution on the surface of the wing was obtained. Separately the case of triangular wing was considered. Refs 5. Figs 4.


differential equations in partial derivatives, flows past bodies, hypersonic flow, thin shock layer


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How to Cite

Bogatko, V. I., Colton, H. A., & Potekhina, E. A. (2015). Semi-inverse method for the solution of the threedimensional problem of hypersonic flow past a thin wing. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 2(1), 98–105. Retrieved from


