Calculation of stratified two-phase flow in a pipe


  • Nurbulat Z. Jaichibekov
  • Sergey K. Matveev
  • Dmitry G. Sidorov


Investigated numerically stationary stratified flow for two incompressible fluids of different density in the sloping tube of constant circular cross-section of differential pressure and gravity. Determined average speed over the cross section u1, u2 and the frictional stress on the walls τwi and interphase surface τij.Were varied differential pressure, the angle of inclination of the tube, volume fraction and viscosity component. The estimation of computational error due to an approximate description of the pipe wall.The results are approximated as dependencies τij, τwi, from u1, u2 and task settings. Such approximations are required to quasi-stationary method of calculation of the two-phase flow in the variable cross section pipes. Refs 3. Figs 4.


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How to Cite

Jaichibekov, N. Z. ., Matveev, S. K., & Sidorov, D. G. (2020). Calculation of stratified two-phase flow in a pipe. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 4(1), 131–135. Retrieved from


