Investigation of the Moon rotation in the relativistic approximation


  • Vladimir V. Pashkevich


The Moon rotation problem for the relativistic approximation, in which the geodetic perturbations (the most essential relativistic perturbations) in the Moon rotation are taken into account is studied. The discrepancies of the comparison between the high-precision numerical solutions and the semi-analytical solutions the Moon rotation problem are investigated by the numerical and analytical methods with respect to the fixed ecliptic of epoch J2000. As the result of this research in the first time are constructed the high-precision Moon Rotation Series MRS2016 in the relativistic approximation. The residuals between the numerical integration and MRS2016 in the perturbing terms of the physical librations do not surpass 64 mas over 2000 and 8 arc seconds over 6000 years. Refs 21. Figs 4. Table 1.


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How to Cite

Pashkevich, V. V. (2020). Investigation of the Moon rotation in the relativistic approximation. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 4(4), 681–694. Retrieved from


