The Hill stability of planetary motion under stellar approaches


  • Azad Hidayat oglu Mammadli


A planetary motion under the influence of a star passing near the Solar system is examined in the framework of the three-dimensional restricted three-body problem. The exact expression of the force function without expansion it in series is used. An integral invariant relation - quasi-integral - is found, and regions of possible motion of a passively gravitating body are determined. Surfaces of minimal energy which are generalizations of surfaces of zero velocity are plotted. The Hill stability of planetary motion is investigated when a star with a mass between one and five solar masses approaches the Solar system at a minimum distance of 50 AU up to 100 AU. The results obtained are shown in the form of tables. Refs 10. Tables 2.


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How to Cite

Mammadli , A. H. oglu. (2020). The Hill stability of planetary motion under stellar approaches. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 3(3), 498–505. Retrieved from


